5 Questions With Hawaii's Fitness Supermom Kahea Paradis

Hi Kahea, tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from and what are some of your passions?
I’m 31 years old, was born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii, happily married with 4 children and a little over a year ago I found my ultimate passion in bodybuilding.
- We see that you are an aspiring physique competitor, who or what inspired your journey towards a fitness lifestyle?
I used my pregnancies as an excuse to over eat and indulge. I spent ten years of my adult life overweight, unhealthy and depressed. My turning point was in the dressing room at Ross, all of the clothes that I picked out didn’t fit or didn’t look good on me. I broke down and cried in that dressing room that day. It was at that point that I told myself that I needed to make a lifestyle change because I was unhappy. Unhappy with how I felt… and more so unhappy with how I looked. I hated taking pictures, always hid from the camera, didn’t like going out and didn’t really like being in public. I started watching bodybuilding documentaries and videos and became super inspired to try it.

3. You are also happily married with 4 beautiful kids and you look amazing. How do you balance it all and especially your workout schedule?
Right now my schedule is pretty set and I have a husband that is super supportive. How do I balance it? I just do! I meal prep on Sundays so that I don’t have to worry about food or going off track for the full work week. I prep enough for my 4 meals per day plus I make extra for my family to eat through the week. I train in the mornings, go straight to work (9:30am – 5:30pm), and then I train a client in the evenings 6-7pm, and then it’s home to my family. I try to dedicate my full weekend to my family and kids, trying to do fun things because the work weeks can get chaotic. But I always make time to train. I train 4 days a week for approximately 60-90 minutes and that’s it. I always have my rest days, try to focus on getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day, and try to always keep my diet on point.

4. What music do you listen to when you work out? What’s currently on your workout playlist?
I’m obsessed with Kevin Gates& Gucci Mane. I also listen to Arianna Grande, Cardi B, anything that can hype me up when I’m tryna put in work! LOL

5. What advice would you give to aspiring super moms who wish to make that change into a healthier lifestyle and fitness for 2020?
If it’s important to you – FIND – A – WAY! I’m a mom of 4 that works a full time job in management. My career is crazy and it’s hard to find balance. I had to speak with management and go up the chain at work to workout a 90 minute lunch break because that was literally the only time I had to work out. I would jump into my car, zoom to the gym on my lunch hour (which was 15 mins away), workout hard for one hour, and zoom back to work. I did this for a solid year. Now, I train early and as able to switch up my schedule. But the point here is that if it’s that important to you… you will find a way to make it work. Otherwise, you will just find an excuse. That was me all my life… finding every excuse on why I “couldn’t”.

Kahea at Shawn Ray’s Hawaiian classic a few weeks ago with her trainer/coach, standing next to the current Mr. Olympia Brandon Curry!

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
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